62 » END OF CHAT May 2018 | AutoData “The best way, as international experience teaches, is the way of policies of general scope, paying attention, of course, to strategic points such as priorities in education. Vertical policies can be good for court friends. The country is something wider.” Editorial from the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper on April 26, about Rota 2030, entitled Route of Waste. “The current owners of vehicles will not be forced to change license plates for the new model adopted in Mercosur.” Mauricio Pereira, president of Denatran, in a hearing of the Commission of Transportation and Transport of the Chamber of Deputies in Brasília, DF, on April 25. The statement contradicts Resolution 729 of the Contran, which determined that 100% of the current fleet should change the plates. “That sounds like a stupid trade.” Donald Trump, via Twitter, on the taxation of 2.5% for Chinese vehicles in the United States and 25% for US vehicles in China. 70 % 21 2 291 27 144 754 of the sales made by the online platform of Renault Kwid were realized by smatphone. million reais is how much the Brazilian government charges Argentina via Export Credit Insurance, the SCE. reais is the average monthly remuneration of the industry workers with complete secondary education. According to the CNI it is the best salary for this group considering all the activities in the country, which average is R$ 1 thousand 989. Is the average monthly income in reais of 1% of the richest Brazilian population, according to IBGE. It is the average monthly income in reais of 50% of the poorest Brazilian population.