
14 1.14 to 1.19.2019 Company FCA aims at small suppliers in Pernambuco AutoData News Agency Weekly Edition is produced by AutoData Editora Ltda . Rua Pascal, 1693 Campo Belo - São Paulo SP Brazil CEP 04719-001 Phone +55 11 5189 8900 . Translation: Allex Chies. Graphic Project/Art: Romeu Bassi Neto. Associated Team: André Barros, Bruno de Oliveira, Caio Bednarski, Leandro Alves, Márcio Stéfani. Responsible Journalist: Vicente Alessi, filho MS SJPESP 4 874. Editorial agreements: Tiempo Motor (Argentina) and Flash de Motor (Venezuela). The copying and/or distribution without previous permission are strictly forbidden. S ão Paulo - FCA started a training program for small and medium-sized companies interested in forming the industrial pole’s group of suppliers installed in Goiana, PE, where Fiat and Jeep vehicles are produced. Fifty companies that operate in areas close to the factory signed up for the initiative, realized in partnership with the Sebrae unit of the State. This is the second training program promoted by FCA. On the first occasion, three years ago, 56 companies signed up and, at the end of the process, ten joined the supply chain. The services provided by them are not part of what the automaker calls direct material, or components for vehicles, but in some cases are tied to the production lines. According to Julio Alves, purchasing manager of the automotive hub, companies linked to automation and information technology applied to production were approved as suppliers in the first program: “The focus of the program is to enable small companies, to help them improve the management, their processes, in order to improve the production chain in the region where we operate”. Alves affirmed it is possible that new technology companies will participate in this second round of the program. To become a partner of Jeep, for example, Alves said that companies must meet a number of requirements, depending on the area of operation, ranging from tax and financial regularization to environmental management commitments. Small companies or those that act in the area of technology, the startups, are increasingly closer to the auto business. In Brazil, another recent example besides FCA is Renault: through its institute it promotes a development program in partnership with a university in Paraná, where it maintains production, which also opens the possibility of these starting companies to become suppliers in the future.