4 » LENSES March 2019 | AutoData REPLAY? The Rota 2030 soap opera have new chapters. The program that became law was subject in Diário Oficial da União’s publications earlier this year: companies interested in the tax benefits that contemplate research and development projects subscribed and the move led to the publication of ordinances in the official media of Brazil. February came and the number of interested ones diminished. Lenses commented with a government source that has not seen those publications anymore, and it promptly replied, “And neither will you see”. It is hoped, in Brasilia, DF, that the program will go through analysis with regard to the incentives: “But not now. And, maybe, not even later”. GOIABINHAS TIME* Truths have disturbed since before The Red and the Black was written, especially to those who make extreme good judgment of things that very appreciate. As the Brazilian dominant class, the one that manages to keep its obturations up to date, in relation to achievements that Brazil has achieved in more than five hundred years, such as the automobile industry and the automotive sector, and always ignoring the contexts because it does not understand them: knowledge is rare and hermeneutic, it must be some hidden science, even because no one knows what that is. And life goes on with guava trees and with Stroessner turning himself into a statesman and with a governor disguised as a realtor. The always the same General Motors as usual, tactics fail, comes up with the threat of leaving Brazil, and Ford, which by the way, reveals its willing with regard to its activities in the country, are our subjects in this Lenses. And the beginning of this conversation, dear reader, is just a reminder: we are a poor, third or fourth world country, dependent, almost extremely poor, of the dominant class obtuse to say the least and whose vehicle market means incredible 2,6% of the world’s total. GOIABINHAS TIME 2 Yes. 2,6% is our nominal importance in the global universe of vehicles. This is us in this universe. Cheers! Cheers? GOIABINHAS TIME 3 So when a company threatens to leave for lack of profitability, and another says it will close factory for the same reason, it breaks our hearts for the social chaos that will surely create. But... was not that, after all, the choice of most of the population, in a plebiscite, some time ago?, by the capitalist regime? Because the capitalist regime itself contains the principle of free competition and free will of companies: they maintain themselves here, or there, because it is profitable, because after investing and receiving a lot of subsidized money their shareholders smile with satisfaction. When profitability abandons them, for good and often bad reasons - and in this case the Great Detroit, in the State of Michigan, is a strictly exemplary case - they reserve the necessary money, pay their bills and seek out their biggest and their best interests. We have seen this happen. The quality of management is very little questioned because even the stones that roll in the roads prefer to point out the inefficiency of the state and the infrastructure that it maintains, the internal interest rate in effect, of the tax burden that even exported vehicles carry. And they charge that population as if it were from the first world. *Stanislaw Ponte Preta, named Sérgio Porto, as a witness of the story, ate goiabinhas (a Brazilian guava candy) with his characters of Febeapá, the Festival de Besteiras de Assola o País, generated by the dictatorship establishment in April 1964. In fact, he died without having seen everything: those cops were amateurs. By Vicente Alessi, filho Suggestions, criticism, comments, offenses and the like for this column can be directed to the email