
13 2.4 to 2.9.2019 Inside the company’s walls the T-Cross launch, the first Volkswagen SUV with Brazilian production, will be decisive to maintain the pace of growth above the market average. Sales are expected to start in the coming weeks. The dust also started to settle in Argentina, which is undergoing an economic crisis that really hit vehicle sales. Although preliminary data indicate a 50% drop in January sales, compared to the same month last year, Di Si points to stability regarding the immediately previous months: “The first four months in Argentina had sales at historically high levels. I believe that from April, May, the Argentine market will resume growth, even slightly”. According to the president of Volkswagen, the company’s stocks in Brazil’s neighbor have been adjusted in the last months, in a way that the Brazilian factories will return, although gradually, to meet the demand: “In the last quarter, we did not send any cars to Argentina”. Other markets appeared on the company’s radar, which closed 2018 with a 19% increase in sales to the Latin American countries, not mentioning Brazil and Argentina. According to Di Si, who mentioned the Bahamas, Colombia, Chile and Costa Rica, among others with small markets, but added together, represent a significant volume, sales in this region, in general, grew 6% last year.