5 » EDITORIAL AutoData | February 2019 Marcos Rozen, editor Good friends are always welcome (or at least should be) O n the last day of January, the employees of the German Porsche received a gift: free tickets to visit the museum of... Mercedes-Benz. The kindness was sponsored by Mercedes itself as a way to celebrate ten years after inauguration of the museum... of Porsche. It may seemmockery, a typical thing created to disdain a classic arch-rival. The initiative, however, is quite serious. What happens is that bothmuseums, of Porsche andMercedes, are located in Stuttgart, Germany. And it didn’t take too long before their managers realize that instead of stirring up hatred for the rival on the part of each brand fans it was much, much wiser to create ways to make tourists visit not one or another museum, but both. And this way, more than two years ago, they set a partnership. An example: today, the visitorwho shows a ticket bought to visit the Porsche Museum at the ticket office of Mercedes-Benz Museum earns a 25% discount. And vice versa. In the publicity material to announce the gratuity to Porsche employees Mercedes-Benz underlined in good German: “Good friends are always welcome”. The director of the M-B Museum, Christian Boucke, affirmed he sent “sincere congratulations to the Porsche Museum and we wish you continue on your successful journey as it has been so far”. The reason is simple: both institutions know that one’s success will automatically pull the other’s. Can anyone find a better example of which way the Brazilian automotive industry needs to learn? Disclosure/Mercedes-Benz Director Márcio Stéfani, publisher Editorial Board Márcio Stéfani, S Stéfani and Vicente Alessi, filho Newsroom Leandro Alves, deputy director of writing and new business, Marcos Rozen, editor Collaborated in this edition André Barros, Glauco Lucena e Sergio Quintanilha Graphic Design/Art Romeu Bassi Neto Photos DR and disclosure Photo Cover Divulgação/Scania Social Midia Allex Chies Commercial and advertising tel. PABX 11 5189 8900: André Martins, Érika Coleta, Luiz Giadas Subscriptions/customer service tel. PABX 11 5189 8900 Administrative and financial department Isidore Nahoum, counselor, Thelma Melkunas and Hidelbrando C de Oliveira Distribution Correios Prepress and print Eskenazi Indústria Gráfica Ltda., tel. 11 3531-7900 ISN 1415-7756 AutoData is a publication fromAutoData Editora Ltda., Pascal st, 1 693, 04616-005, Campo Belo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Reproduction without prior authorization is prohibited, but citation is permitted provided that the source is identified. Responsible Journalist Márcio Stéfani, MTB 16 644 AutoDataEditora autodata-editora @autodataeditora